Do Not Lose Your VoiceOne of the easiest and worst things you can do, as a writer, is lose your own voice. I don't mean a sore throat. I mean, losing your...
Three Tricks for Writing MotivationDo you usually end up taking numerous breaks and often in between your writing process? Coffee just happens to be brewing non-stop and...
Stop, Drop, Write!Whatever is happening right now is a story. It can be impactful depending on how you write it. Have you ever wondered why it is that...
Quarantine Writing: 6 IdeasYou have been commanded to stay at home. This is every reader's and writer's dream-come-true. It is the ultimate sabbatical. This...
3 Ways to Write a Vivid DescriptionUsing our imagination is one thing. Dreaming big is too! To actually write down what we see in our heads, while using imagery and...
3 Ways to Entice The ReaderMost writers look back on the year 2019 and express how grateful they were for their success. I am grateful for the success over the...