From the first page onwards, I was absolutely hooked and at the edge of my bed by this light, but not half-witted rom-com. 'So Complicated' is refreshing because it mixes love, hate and loyalty into a battle of the sexes! I laughed all the way through and finished the book on a high!
- Rima Rouf, BBC TV Producer
'So Complicated' has a captivating plot. You will want to keep re-reading as it's more of a companion rather than an acquisition. It is profound without being bombastic and wise without being precocious. Rumki is a gifted storyteller, a talent to watch out for!
-Sagheer Afzal, Author of 'The Reluctant Mullah'

Can two people who hate each other work together?
Julie Radcliffe is the author of a wildly popular feminist blog called “The Independent Woman.”
Her competitor, James Chopin of the masculinist “Alpha James” blog fame, have become rivals in the ultimate battle of the sexes. Now they have the chance to meet face to face, and both are nervous about what the other might do. When they appear on a national talk show together, things spin from civil to out of control in a heartbeat. The ensuing battle instantly transforms their fame into notoriety. Before they know it, their lives become more than a little complicated on both the professional and the personal fronts.
Now, in order to save their sinking careers in the blogosphere, the two combatants are forced to team up. Each must decide which is more important: being right or being employed.
Can Julie and James accept that two heads are better than one-or will they keep butting those heads together to prove a Point?
Rumki Chowdhury has a Masters Degree in English Literature from the Queen Mary University of London and a Bachelors Degree in English Writing from the William Paterson University of New Jersey. She has worked as an Editorial Assistant at Pearson Higher Education, interned at Simon and Schuster Inc. and was accepted to intern at W.W. Norton at the same time. Her journalistic experiences range from being Editor-in-Chief of The Beacon Newspaper at WPUNJ as well as interning at The Record Newspaper and The Herald Newspaper. Currently, she is an English Teacher and a Writer for Hayati Magazine. She lives with the best husband in the world and their two gorgeous daughters.
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